
Nepal Society of Nephrology Conference 2023

April 21-22, 2023 | Hotel Malla Kathmandu, Nepal

Early Bird Registration is Now Closed.

Interested participants can register on the Spot at the conference venue

Registration Fees

(Spot Registration does not guarantee conference kit)

NSN Members
NRs. 10,000
Non NSN Members
NRs. 12,000
Foreign DelegatesNRs. 13,000 (100 USD)
NRs. 4,000
Accompanying person+
NRs. 6,000

Bonafide certificate is required

+Accompanying person will not get registration kit

Pre-Conference Workshop Fees

ElectrolyteNRs. 1,500
POCUSNRs. 2,500

Contact Conference Secretariat for details
Mr.Bimal Baral (9851027193)
Email :

Bank Details:
Account Name : Nepal Society of Nephrology
Account No: 01001010000092
Bank Name: Global IME Bank Limited
Branch: Vanasthali Branch